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py-cyclonedx-python-lib Python library for generating CycloneDX SBOMs
py-data-google-auth (V) PyData helpers for authenticating to Google APIs
py-denyhosts Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
py-docker-ssh (V) Python docker SSH tunnel
py-ecdsa Easy-to-use implementation of ECDSA cryptography
py-fido2 Yubico FIDO U2F and FIDO 2.0 USB Python library
py-flask-sslify (V) Force SSL on your Flask app
py-gnupg Wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard
py-google-auth Google Authentication Library
py-google-auth-httplib2 Google Authentication Library: httplib2 transport
py-google-auth-oauthlib Google Authentication Library
py-gssapi Low-level and high-level wrappers around GSSAPI C libraries
py-hawkauthlib Hawk Access Authentication protocol
py-hkdf HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF; RFC 5869)
py-hsm Python package that talk to a YubiHSM
py-http_ece (V) Python support for the encryped Content-Encoding (RFC 8188)
py-itsdangerous Helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back
py-jose (V) JOSE implementation in Python
py-josepy JOSE protocol implementation in Python using cryptography
py-kcs11 (V) PKCS#11 wrapper for Python
py-keyczar (V) Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography
py-keyring Store and access your passwords safely
py-keyrings.alt Alternate keyring implementations
py-krb5 Kerberos API bindings for Python
py-lasso Liberty Alliance Single Sign On implementation
py-libagent Hardware-based SSH/GPG/age agent
py-libnacl Python bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
py-libtaxii Python library for handling TAXII Messages and Services
py-mcrypt Python interface to mcrypt library
py-mohawk Library for Hawk HTTP authorization
py-msal (V) Python library to access the Microsoft Cloud
py-msal-extensions (V) Persistence API that can save your data on disk
py-msgraph-core (V) Lightweight wrapper around the Microsoft Graph API
py-nacl Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
py-ndg_httpsclient HTTPS client implementation for httplib and urllib2 based on PyOpenSSL
py-nethsm (V) Python Library to manage NetHSM(s)
py-nvdlib National Vulnerability Database CPE/CVE API Library for Python
py-oath Python implementation of OATH (HOTP, TOTP, OCRA)
py-oauth2client Python library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0
py-oauthlib Generic implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
py-olm Olm bindings for Python
py-omemo-dr OMEMO Double Ratchet
py-openid Python module for OpenID
py-OpenSSL Python interface to the OpenSSL library
py-otp Python One-Time Password Library
py-OTXv2 Python SDK for AlienVault OTX
py-paramiko SSH2 protocol library
py-passlib Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
py-pbkdf2 PKCS #5 v2.0 PBKDF2 Module
py-pem PEM file parsing in Python
py-pip-audit Scan Python environments for known vulnerabilities
py-pydeep Python bindings for ssdeep
py-pynitrokey (V) Python library for Nitrokey devices
py-pyspnego Windows Negotiate Authentication Client and Server
py-requests-gssapi Python requests GSSAPI authentication library
py-requests-kerberos Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
py-requests-ntlm NTLM authentication handler for python-requests
py-requests-oauthlib OAuthlib support for Python-Requests
py-rsa Pure-Python RSA implementation
py-secretpy (V) Classical cipher algorithms Python package
py-secretstorage Module for securely storing passwords and secrets
py-service_identity Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL
py-shodan (V) Python library and command-line utility for Shodan
py-signedjson Signs JSON objects with ED25519 signatures
py-simplesha3 Simple SHA-3 implementation for Python
py-sipvicious (V) Set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems
py-slowaes Implementation of AES in pure Python
py-smbpasswd Python SMB Password Hash Generator
py-solo1 Tool for managing SoloKeys Solo 1
py-spake2 Pure-Python SPAKE2
py-spsdk (V) Open Source Secure Provisioning SDK for NXP MCU/MPU
py-ssh2 (V) Python wrapper around libssh2
py-stix Python library for manipulating STIX content
py-tlslite SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 in Python
py-tokenlib Generic library for managing signed authentication tokens
py-trezor Python library for communicating with Trezor hardware wallets
py-trezor-agent Hardware-based SSH/GPG/age agent
py-trufflehog3 (V) Find secrets in your codebase
py-trustme Number on quality TLS certs while you wait
py-truststore Verify certificates using native system trust stores
py-trytond-authentication-sms The authentication_sms module of the Tryton application platform
py-u2f U2F host library for interacting with a U2F device
py-unix-ar (V) AR file handling for Python (including .deb files)
py-vanguards (V) Vanguards Onion Service Addon
py-xmlsec Python bindings for XMLSec Library
py-yara Yara Python bindings
py-yubiauth YubiAuth authentication backend
py-yubikey-manager Yubico YubiKey manager library
py-ZopeSecurity (V) Zope Security Framework
py27-cryptography Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python (non-Rust version)
py27-OpenSSL Python interface to the OpenSSL library (non-Rust version)
pyca Administration tools for X.509/PKIX CA
qca2 Cross-platform crypto API for QT
qca2-gnupg Cross-platform crypto API for QT - GnuPG plugin
qca2-ossl Cross-platform crypto API for QT - OpenSSL plugin
qca2-qt5 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt5
qca2-qt5-gnupg Cross-platform crypto API for Qt5 - GnuPG plugin
qca2-qt5-ossl Cross-platform crypto API for Qt5 - OpenSSL plugin
qca2-qt6 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt6
qgpgme Qt bindings for GPGme